Does Hands On India have religious or cultural biases?

Hands on India is non-denominational, provides no religious teachings and respects and cares for people of all religions

Does the money raised/donated go towards helping the Chiropractors pay their way to India?

No. All Chiropractors and volunteers pay for their own flights, accommodation, food and all other personal expenses

Does all the money raised go directly to India and the people it is meant for?

Yes. All the money raised goes directly to the nominated projects in India. The board and its members pay for their own costs and overheads. The only money that is not used in India is that which is used for nominal costs such as postage, bank fees etc., which is a very small percentage

What does all the money raised get used for?

The money has helped build and maintain schools in rural and rock-breaker communities around Siliguri. It also funds schools, the teachers and necessary equipment. This equates to over 900 children being provided an education they would otherwise not get.

It also goes to women empowerment groups which encompasses 3200 women within the area. This program teaches them new skills and small business opportunities that will allow them to earn more money for their family and community without having to pick tea leaves or break rocks for a living.

Who decides where the money goes?

The HOI board members decide on how the money is distributed, and how much, to the projects mentioned above.

How does the money get distributed once it is in India? Who manages the money?

We have been working with a catholic organisation called Seva Kendra since HOI inception. Each year they provide us with a financial report of how, how much and where the money has been distributed as per our authorisation.

Is HOI a registered Charity under the Australia Tax Office?

Yes, we are a registered charity with DGR status.

How can I help?

You can make a donation. If you have further questions, or wish to be more involved, please contact us.

What does HOI do with my personal information?

Nothing. It is held on our database but it will never be sold or passed onto any other entities. We will remove your details should you request this be done.