2025 Expedition

Hands on India 2025


Hands on India 2025 in Siliguri, West Bengal, has been  the most impactful and rewarding trip I’ve experienced.  


Everything fell into place perfectly—the team from our NGO partner, Seva Kendra, was nothing short of outstanding, and our group of 30 volunteer chiropractors and assistants worked tirelessly, delivering chiropractic care to over 2,000 people across remote villages in rock-breaking and tea plantation communities. The results exceeded all our expectations. It is amazing to see what can be achieved in just two weeks, leaving a profound and lasting impact on the people we served. Everywhere we went, we were met with warm smiles, vibrant cultural events, and a deep sense of connection.


Our two weeks of providing hands on treatment reconnects us to the community, allowing us to not only improve their physical wellbeing but to further understand their needs. This allows us to develop and fund programs that provide continual support year-round. Our goal is to create sustainable change by guiding, facilitating, and mentoring these communities toward a better quality of life


Brett Dellar, Hands on India founder, and I took the opportunity to visit and assess all the projects we support.

We visited our six schools, educating 900 children, which continue to provide excellent education. Led by passionate teachers and filled with engaged, joyful students they work hard to benefit from their education. Watching their sports carnival and participating in their arts program was an absolute highlight.

Our efforts have expanded in the health sector, where we now fund 40 volunteer-run village health centers acting as hubs for healthcare, hygiene education, and access to medical services. These centers run year-round and are pivotal in referring patients for further management, such as blood pressure monitoring and other conditions identified for further assistance in our health clinics. Thousands of families now benefit from these services. I was also fortunate to participate in a health education day for 40 local health workers with a HOI 2025 nurse volunteer to further enhance their skills. We also learned about local plant and herbal remedies for blood pressure, diabetes, gallstones, and immune support—an area we plan to explore further through research


We also witnessed the strength of the Women's Self-Help Groups, where women showcased their newfound skills—such as mushroom growing, handicrafts, and pickle making—which they sell to support their families. The most touching moment was presenting awards to participants of the new literacy program, where 180 women have now learned basic literacy and to sign their names. Attending a meeting with 200 representatives from the 3,000 women in the program—then celebrating together with their exuberant dancing—was an unforgettable moment.


I met with one of our five nursing scholarship recipients, who is studying 24 hours away by train. We plan to enrol five more nursing students, with the goal of employing some of them in our health centers upon their graduation.


Additionally, we checked in on two of the four vulnerable children we sponsor in boarding school education. The 11-year-old is excelling, ranking first in his class, while his sister is proudly holding 7th place.

Looking ahead, we return with exciting plans to expand our programs, including the creation of Men’s Self-Help Groups, new school construction projects, and the development of new HOI sub-communities to support further growth.


The patients and communities we serve welcomed us with open arms, offering cultural performances and expressing their deep gratitude. Our relationship with Seva Kendra’s staff and volunteers has grown stronger, reinforcing our confidence that our funding and

educational initiatives are making an extraordinary difference in this high-needs area. The progress we’ve made together is not only thrilling but also profoundly rewarding, making all the preparation and fundraising efforts feel truly worthwhile.


A heartfelt thank you to all of our volunteers, who donated their time and expertise while covering their own costs. To our donors, I assure you your contributions are being put to work in ways far beyond what you could imagine. And to our partner, Seva Kendra, thank you for making all of this possible and turning our shared vision into a reality.


My heart is full, my energy renewed, and I’m ready to return to a very different world—forever changed by the experience.


For more information visit our website https://www.handsonindia.org.au/

Instagram & FB #hands_on_india_official


Donations greatly appreciated


or to

Hands on India

BSB 062 155.

Acct 106 105 36 and email receipt details to hands_on_india@outlook.com


2024 Expedition